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Have Kenyan Men Embraced Fashion or Are They Simply Misunderstood?

Walking down the streets of Nairobi one thing is clear, Kenyan men are finally embracing fashion. However, there seems to be discontent about the fashion choices embraced. So, are Kenyan men making fashionable statements or are they simply misunderstood?

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="395"] One of designer John Kaveke's creations (Photo Courtesy: )[/caption]

Men's skinny jeans are amongst the top list of fashion garments which most people think that men shouldn't be seen wearing. There is the question about age and down right stigma. As seen through this social media status update and the comments, Kenyan men who have embraced fashion also get a fair share of criticism.

Men's  harem pants similar to the one Dennis Oliech recently got criticized for wearing, colorful blazers and 'cleavage shirts'  are some of the fashion trends Kenyan men are being criticized of picking up.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="425"]TKFF2012_35 One of the men's looks showcased at the recent TKFF (Photo Courtesy: Capital FM)[/caption]

Fashion expressionism might not be something many Kenyans are familiar with or willing to accept, altogether. Designers always come up with exquisite or quirky designs, which out of the runway would raise a lot of criticism rather than the accolade they get during showcases.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="442"] (Photo Courtesy: Capital FM)[/caption]

Criticism is not thrown when a Kenyan man steps out in a fitted suit, but choosing to go with bright hues and bold designs raises debate.

Just like other aspects of society; are we embracing fashion as a society or are we adamant to resist changing trends?

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