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Kenyan Short Films

If you are like me, you probably spend most of your weekends locked up indoors watching movies. This weekend I decided to take a break from the usual Hollywood blockbusters I usually watch and come back home. I simply got on YouTube and searched for Kenyan films. I came across a few and here they are:


I actually watched Pamela a couple of years back and stumbling on it I couldn't resist rewatching it. It's a film bthat focuses on dosmetic violence and abuse from a child's point of view.  The film was produced by James Kanja productions. Watch it below.


I'd heard about Deceit from the list of Kenyan films nominated for the 2014 AMVCA Awards. As usual, you never quite get around to watching these films, but thanks to YouTube got to watch it and I absolutely like it. Lizz Njagah delivers a stellar performance as usual in the film produced by Chromatic Pictures Africa Limited. Watch it below.


This is yet another film I remember watching a few years back and I might be halucinating but I remember it was in English the first time I saw it. Featuring Patricia Kihoro, it was produced for Scenarios from Africa by Hot Sun. The film adresses AIDS as a topic and focuses on the use of the power of social media to get justice. Watch it below.


This is another short I stumbled upon and it simply put a smile on my face. It follows three school children, seemingly friends, who embark on a race around their school environs. I liked the light hearted nature or the film, and who doesn't like films about kids? Watch it below.


This is a student film produced by Wambui Muigai and Jamhuri Film and Television Training Institute. I Have to give accolade to the wonderful production quality, the cinematography is memorable and I have to mention sound was given thought and planning which I feel is one of the production elements many Kenyan filmmakers fail to give proper attention to. Watch it below.




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