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Kenyan Thespians Rally Behind Roy Ogolla; Arrested For Wrongful Use Of Telecommunications

Kenyan Thespians have proven to be a force to reckon with when it comes to standing up for the rights of one of their own. Immediately news broke yesterday that Roy Ogolla Kohadha, who is well known within the Thespian circles, had been arrested Thespians took to the social media networks to call for his immediate release. Soon the Ksh. 10,000 ($119.21) bail required for his release was raised through social media efforts and Thespians continued to post updates about the situation both of Twitter and Facebook.

It all started with a blog where Roy circulates a letter he had addressed to Dr.Bitange Ndemo, the PS in the ministry of Information and Communication, shedding light on what he termed as "Kenya Film Commission mismanagement." The letter did ruffle some feathers, and at first few gave it a second glance but when KFC CEO Peter Mutie responded it became apparent that the letter held much weight than it was given.

Fast forward to yesterday when news broke about Roy's arrest and it was presumed that he was arrested for airing his views on the graft that was going on at KFC. Later on it was revealed that Roy had been arrested for "wrongful use of telecommunications." Accounts have it that at one occasion Roy had sent a threatening message to Peter Muite, which is the reason why he was arrested because Muite allegedly feared for his life.

Roy received and is still receiving unprecedented support on Facebook and Twitter through #UnchainRoyOgolla and ISupportOgolla. So far, the news is that Roy will be charged on Monday.

Find Roy's account about the ordeal here

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